Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear readers, I reviewed the previous postings and found out that there are some ads that are not related with my blogs. This blog has not something to do with astrology, voodoo practices, fungshui and other eastern practices. My goal for this blog is to promote the Christian faith, biblical perspectives about life and guidelines to our daily journey. If ever you see ads about the said views, I am not promoting them and requested the adsense to remove them in my blogs. Thank you. Rodriggs

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Untamed tongue

Untamed tongue is
connected from a
malicious heart of a fool.

The most talkative in
town is noted as simple minded
and tale bearer.

But the words of the wise
are few but sensible
and witty.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Peace is calmness of the heart
in the midst of troubled world.

Peace is a product of hope
x faith x love to God.

Peace is the result of walking
with the Prince of Peace.

Peace is the absence of fear
in your heart, replaced by
the Spirit of God.

Anger, bitterness, stripes
and unforgiving hearts are
hindrances to obtain peace.
In fact, eliminating them
is the real issue of world peace.

Give Peace a chance,
Believe JESUS -the Prince of Peace.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


A man with a grateful heart
will always have a bright future,
because in his present success
he knows how to value the
people from the past which
God assigned along his way

Friday, May 22, 2009


To correct your mistakes
is a brave thing to do,
but to continue the steps
of change is even more
admirable braveness
to pursue.

Transformation is a daily
challenge only the brave
can understand.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prayer of the righteous

History of a nation is shape
by the righteous and
the godly in their prayers.

A nation without the people of God
is a nation without significant History

God is the God of All nations
Let HIS STORY be written
in the pages of our nation's history

Monday, May 18, 2009


A simple act of kindness
may create a small difference
but if you do it everyday
you may create a mountain of love
everybody loves to see.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Philosophy of the WISE Leader

Wisdom and Truth are above Wealth.
Integrity is more important than million promises.
Success must be shared to many.
Education is a priority to build a strong nation.

Support his WISE philosophy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The best way...

The best way to eliminate depression
is to forget the past failures.
Press on, embrace the present challenges
and worry not the possibilities in the future.

Depression is not just killing yourself slowly
but also hindering your soul to trust the Almighty.
The worst of it, it is an act of denial
that God is the Father that cares and provides.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Most Honorable leadership

Leadership with humility
is the most difficult to display,
but this is the most honorable
leadership... like the leadership
of Jesus Christ

Saturday, May 9, 2009

6 Great Friends in the World and 1 greatest

Dogs... Ask the dog lovers, they will tell you why.
Dolphins... Ask the fishermen who have been lost in the sea and found the way home.
Diary... Ask those who write and keep their secrets.
Parents... Ask those prodical kids how they restore themselves from destruction.
Woman... Ask the man who loves her so much.
Teachers... Ask the students how they got their high grades.

The greastest of them all is...

God... Ask the christians who experience Christ's love daily.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Best Encourager

The Best Athletes are former losers.
Likewise, The Best encourager are those
who have been encouraged.