Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bringing out the best in YOU

The best in you will

only come out when you

know your true identity.

If you know that you are

a robot you will act like a robot.

If you know that you are

a dog you will bark and wag your tail.

If you know that you are

from the Great Creator God,

the Good Father in Heaven,

and you know that God has

no plan of evil to His children,

but only the best to enjoy by His people.

You will act like the Good Father in Heaven,

you will not devise evil to yourself and to others,

you will be at your best and creative to invent,

you will make others happy because everything

that comes from your good heart is out of love,

because love is from God, and that is the Spirit of God.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The way to find a Friend...

The way to find a friend
is to become a friend
to the unfriendly.

The way to find a friend
is to become sensitive
to the needs of others.

The way to find a friend
is to wear a smile everyday
so others will smile in return.

The way to find a friend
is to give a small token of love
so you will be remembered
and not the gift.

Start looking for a friend
and you will find one in the
person of the Son of God -Jesus
The Loyal and Best Friend.


Emptiness is a feeling of lost
somewhere and you do not know
where to pick up your broken pieces.

Emptiness is having plenty
but not having everything.

Emptiness is the dead end of
selfish ambition and greed.

Emptiness is the result
of living without a purpose.

The way out to emptiness is fill in
your heart with the Spirit of Christ.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The time to take your time

Take time to walk
maybe in your slow steps
you can see a guide
in every cross road.

Take time to sleep
maybe in your dreams
you can see a bright future.

Take time to watch events
maybe in your observation
you can see the beauty of life.

Take time to work
Maybe in your daily routine
your promotion is just
around the corner.

Take time to pray
Maybe in your waiting
you may receive more
than what you have asked.

Take time to live
Maybe in living one
day at a time, is the
best moment to live.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sinful lusts
The love of money
Over Envy
Revengeful heart
Meaningless pride

Do not put cancer to your body
avoid storm!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Deadly virus

H1n1 or swine flue is dangerous
but it is more dangerous not to
prevent the spread of fabricated
stories or lies in the showbiz and
politics-the "virus"that destroys
the integrity of the
leaders in the business and
in the government.

Ironically, it is the same "virus"
that damaging the entire Philippine
showbiz and the government.
I hope that the so called "powerful
people" behind the showbiz and politics
will finally realize that their staying
power will not last long, and their manipulating
influences will fade soonest.

Shame on you , who thought that you
can continually fool the Filipino people.
The spirit and the braveness of Rizal still live
in the youth. Arise young Rizals and
transform the Filipino people.