Monday, June 1, 2009

Deadly virus

H1n1 or swine flue is dangerous
but it is more dangerous not to
prevent the spread of fabricated
stories or lies in the showbiz and
politics-the "virus"that destroys
the integrity of the
leaders in the business and
in the government.

Ironically, it is the same "virus"
that damaging the entire Philippine
showbiz and the government.
I hope that the so called "powerful
people" behind the showbiz and politics
will finally realize that their staying
power will not last long, and their manipulating
influences will fade soonest.

Shame on you , who thought that you
can continually fool the Filipino people.
The spirit and the braveness of Rizal still live
in the youth. Arise young Rizals and
transform the Filipino people.

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