Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill - wikiHow

Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill - wikiHow

How to Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

We all have been there, particularly the sick bed. You may know of someone who is currently in a situation where because of their health they may be bed-ridden for a day or two, and yet others are terminally ill, at any rate, you can bring along some joy and comfort along side someone who is not feeling so good, and here are some ideas on how to do so.


  1. Be thoughtful - When you find out someone you know is not doing well, or is sick, immediately determine what is the appropriate thing to do.
  2. Empathy - put yourself in that persons shoes, even for a moment, try to place yourself in that person's situation. Remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have others to do unto you.
  3. Be yourself - You are unique, and you don't need to pretend to be Mr. or Mrs. Fix It, or Do it all or Got the answer for everything. Just be yourself - in fact many times people just need someone to be with them just so they can listen. Don't pretend to know the answers, and sometimes, even if you do, its best to let them figure somethings out on their own.
  4. Be pleasant - You want to be as supportive and as comforting as possible. Pop a breath mint, smile, be calm, be listening. You want to lift their spirits up, not bog them down with gossip, or negative opinions.
  5. Be considerate - Don't waste their time, they may need to recover, or need rest, so do not over extend your stay or wear out your welcome.
  6. Make them feel needed - I don't mean lie to them, but make them feel as though they are missed. Sometimes asking them for their advice on matters helps them feel needed.
  7. Offer your help - be ready to be inconvenienced if needs be.
  8. Stay in touch - if they don't want to, that is fine, you don't need to. But on the other hand if they want to stay in touch with you, appreciate it and check in on him/her, see how they are progressing.


    1. Make a hospital visit - Yup! You don't necessarily have to leave it to the minister to visit the sick. Obviously, if your loved one or close friend ends up in the hospital, think of what joy you could bring if they could see you! (Please call first - remember be considerate!).
    2. Write a "get well" card - You can pick up a card from a store, or use a nice stationery, or you can even make one yourself. But receiving a thoughtful letter (filled with kind wishes, or prayers, and good news) is very much appreciated, It will most likely bring a smile to someones face!
    3. Send flowers, or fruit basket (some folks have sensitive noses, therefore other things might work better - teddy bears, get well balloons, etc.).
    4. Get together with friends and/or co-workers and you may get something the sick may wish for, but hasn't gotten due to the illness. Present it as a gift item at an appropriate time.
    5. Give the person who is sick a high 5 it will make them happy that someone is around


  • Get the facts - never assume. Be honest, if you don't know what is going on, just ask (and when possible always go to the source).

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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