Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Avoid Constipation - wikiHow

Avoid Constipation - wikiHow

How to Avoid Constipation

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Millions of people suffer from this uncomfortable disorder. If you don't feel comfortable discussing it we've included some simple solutions for you to try. Here are some ideas to reduce your constipation symptoms and improve your diet for long term digestive health.


  1. Eat a diet high in fiber. Fiber helps provide bulk and also accelerates the movement of food through the GI tract. Both insoluble and soluble fiber will benefit constipation.
  2. Select breakfast cereals with ideally around ten grams of fiber per one hundred grams but do watch cereal salt content.
  3. Introduce more legumes (beans, lentils), seeds, nuts and green leafy vegetables into your diet on a daily basis. They are rich in fiber and nutrients, including magnesium, which is good for constipation.
  4. Swap refined carbohydrates such as white bread for whole meal or whole grain varieties. This applies to pasta and rice as well. Whole grains have more fiber and more nutrients. They not only help protect against constipation but may also help prevent insulin surges and reduce the risk of diabetes.
  5. Aim for around five portions of fruit or vegetables per day. Vary your choices because different fruits and vegetables provide different kinds of fibers. A variety of fruits and vegetables also enhances the body's ability to fight free radicals by providing a variety of different antioxidants with different roles to play in the body. Remember that those dried and canned count too.
  6. Exercise. Set yourself an achievable goal such as a 30-minute walk each day and stick to it. Being more active will increase general health and should make the gut work more effectively. Studies show that exercise increases nitric oxide levels, which may alleviate constipation. Low nitric oxide levels may explain both constipation and hypertension in pregnant women and the elderly.
  7. Drink plenty of water (Eight glasses per day is ideal). Constipation occurs when too much moisture is reabsorbed from feces.
  8. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol, both of which are diuretics that dehydrate you. Try to switch to decaffeinated coffee.
  9. Do not overeat. Smaller meals are easier to digest and may benefit GI health more than larger meals. You could try eating more than three meals a day and see how you feel. Avoid eating late at night because the body has more trouble digesting food while you are sleeping.
  10. If you are still constipated after trying this general health-improving advice, try natural means to combat constipation; prunes or herbal teas are an option.
  11. Use over-the-counter remedies with caution. If you do try them and they work but constipation returns do not continue using them as a long term solution consult your family physician.
  12. Visit your local vitamin or health food store for enzymatic treatments to help balance the good and bad bacterias in your digestive system. The active cultures in yogurt may also help assuage constipation and even reduce the risk of colon cancer. If you are magnesium-deficient, you may consider looking into a magnesium supplement as well.



  • Do not be embarrassed to talk to your family physician about the problem. He or she is qualified to help you.
  • If the problem is chronic, you should speak to your doctor or see a specialist right away. Constipation is a symptom of many more serious medical problems, including bowel obstructions, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.
  • Be matter-of-fact about the problem; they have heard it many times before.
  • Avoid harsh laxatives, especially when they are used long-term. While the importance of preventing constipation cannot be overstated, the long-term use of laxatives may harm the intestines and lead to dependence. You can take fiber and magnesium supplements your whole life if you are not obtaining enough of these nutrients from your diet.
  • If you are embarrassed, you can also seek treatment from a physician from the same sex as you.
  • Some yogurts sold in the dairy section of grocery stores have additional enzymes to aid in digestion.
  • High protein diets are hard on the digestive system. Constipation may be frequent in those on Atkins or other high protein diets. Diets that limit carbohydrates, such as Atkins, may be deficient in fiber and other nutrients. If you are following the Atkins diet, for example, be sure to include low-carbohydrate foods that are still high in fiber, such as broccoli.
  • Painkillers frequently cause constipation by slowing the movement of food through the intestines. Consider loperamide, an agent that combats diarrhea through its effects on the movement of food through the GI effect. It works through actions similar to opioids, but acts only on the intestines. Make sure that you have a high-fiber intake when taking painkillers. If the problem persists, you may need to try a stool softener.


  • If constipation alternates with diarrhea, persists for long periods of time, or blood is passed with stools, know that it is definitely time for a chat with the doctor.
  • Be careful when starting to introduce more exercise. Start slowly and again chat with a doctor about any health concerns beforehand.
  • A diet high in fiber is healthy for the gut (and perhaps even the pancreas and heart), but you can have too much. Too much fiber may reduce the absorption of nutrients from your food by binding to them in the GI tract. If you take vitamins and fiber supplements, you may want to take the fiber supplements at a different time to increase the effectiveness of your vitamins.
  • You can drink too much water too. In the most extreme cases, drinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia (a lack of sodium in the blood) and can even kill you. Do not exceed ten glasses per day, and avoid drinking isotonic sports drinks in large amounts.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Avoid Constipation. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill - wikiHow

Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill - wikiHow

How to Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

We all have been there, particularly the sick bed. You may know of someone who is currently in a situation where because of their health they may be bed-ridden for a day or two, and yet others are terminally ill, at any rate, you can bring along some joy and comfort along side someone who is not feeling so good, and here are some ideas on how to do so.


  1. Be thoughtful - When you find out someone you know is not doing well, or is sick, immediately determine what is the appropriate thing to do.
  2. Empathy - put yourself in that persons shoes, even for a moment, try to place yourself in that person's situation. Remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have others to do unto you.
  3. Be yourself - You are unique, and you don't need to pretend to be Mr. or Mrs. Fix It, or Do it all or Got the answer for everything. Just be yourself - in fact many times people just need someone to be with them just so they can listen. Don't pretend to know the answers, and sometimes, even if you do, its best to let them figure somethings out on their own.
  4. Be pleasant - You want to be as supportive and as comforting as possible. Pop a breath mint, smile, be calm, be listening. You want to lift their spirits up, not bog them down with gossip, or negative opinions.
  5. Be considerate - Don't waste their time, they may need to recover, or need rest, so do not over extend your stay or wear out your welcome.
  6. Make them feel needed - I don't mean lie to them, but make them feel as though they are missed. Sometimes asking them for their advice on matters helps them feel needed.
  7. Offer your help - be ready to be inconvenienced if needs be.
  8. Stay in touch - if they don't want to, that is fine, you don't need to. But on the other hand if they want to stay in touch with you, appreciate it and check in on him/her, see how they are progressing.


    1. Make a hospital visit - Yup! You don't necessarily have to leave it to the minister to visit the sick. Obviously, if your loved one or close friend ends up in the hospital, think of what joy you could bring if they could see you! (Please call first - remember be considerate!).
    2. Write a "get well" card - You can pick up a card from a store, or use a nice stationery, or you can even make one yourself. But receiving a thoughtful letter (filled with kind wishes, or prayers, and good news) is very much appreciated, It will most likely bring a smile to someones face!
    3. Send flowers, or fruit basket (some folks have sensitive noses, therefore other things might work better - teddy bears, get well balloons, etc.).
    4. Get together with friends and/or co-workers and you may get something the sick may wish for, but hasn't gotten due to the illness. Present it as a gift item at an appropriate time.
    5. Give the person who is sick a high 5 it will make them happy that someone is around


  • Get the facts - never assume. Be honest, if you don't know what is going on, just ask (and when possible always go to the source).

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be an Encouragement to Someone Who Is Sick or Ill. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Organize Your Digital Photos - wikiHow

Organize Your Digital Photos - wikiHow

How to Organize Your Digital Photos

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Taking photos with your digital camera is fun, easy, and addictive. Suddenly you find yourself with hundreds of photos on your hard drive, as well as printed out all over your desk, room, and walls. What should you do to organize and catalogue your photos? Here are some tips to help you clean up the clutter, and enjoy your digital memories.


  1. Download a free image organizer. Fast small ones include Xnview (open source) and Irfanview (popular). Picasa from Google is an easy-to-use photo management tool.
  2. When you transfer your photos from your camera to your computer, immediately put them into a folder on your hard drive -- not just My Pictures, but create a subfolder by date (use reverse date format e.g. 2007-06-26 which is listed better by computers ordering files by name), event name or both.
  3. If you already have copious numbers of photos dumped into your My Pictures folder, take some time to create subfolders as described above, and sort them into the appropriate folder.
  4. Regularly back up your photos by burning them onto a CD or DVD. Nothing is worse than having a hard drive crash and losing all of your pictures. Then, put your CD or DVD into a box, holder, or album (you can find 'photo albums' for picture CDs in photography shops) so you know where it is and have easy access.
  5. As soon as the ink is dry, organize your photos into albums. The sooner you do this, the fewer photos you will have piling up and cluttering your space, not to mention getting damaged.
  6. Do the above step for all of the photos you already have printed out. Use different albums to catalogue and categorize -- for example, you can keep separate albums for friends, events you attend, and 'artful' shots that you take.
  7. Remember that if you back up your photos onto a CD, and leave them on the computer as well, you will eventually find you have multiple copies of the same photo in different folders. In Picasa2, when you back up pictures, Picasa will remember not to double up on the same CD.
  8. My rule is to put only photos about a particular subject on each CD and label it as such, such as "grandkids" or "reunion 98" then if you want a particular subject you can find it easily because you don't have "sewing projects" on the same CD as "Reunions"


  • Printed photos can also be stored in boxes. Some stores sell special "memory boxes" that are decorative.
  • Back up your digital photos regularly.
  • Don't just backup your photos, try to back them up to the newest media every other year, (i.e. 2 years ago CDs were a popular back-up media, DVDs are popular now, 2 years from now, you can bet it will be something different). The idea is to ensure that the media you save to is always compatible with "tomorrow's" standard should you need to restore your images.
  • Download your photos off your camera as soon as possible after taking pictures. Neglecting to do so can lead to the nasty realization that your memory card is full at a bad time (like your kid's birthday party or your friend's graduation).
  • If you use your images for a website, make sure to save the higher resolution original somewhere. This is because images saved for websites have a much lower resolution and look really terrible printed out.


  • Make sure the photo albums you choose are acid-free. Photos last longer in acid-free albums.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Organize Your Digital Photos. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Handle Excruciating Pain - wikiHow

Handle Excruciating Pain - wikiHow

How to Handle Excruciating Pain

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Handling pain is difficult and involves a lot of patience. With time, handling pain can get easier, but even the best pain-handlers need some way to get through excruciating pain that may be caused by illness or injury. Here's how you can better handle horrible pain.


  1. Sit down, be quiet, sit up straight and clear your mind.
  2. Take a few deep breaths.
  3. Become focused by visualizing something that usually keeps you focused. It could be your favorite food, the feeling of a soft and fuzzy blanket or a place that quiets your soul. Anything that will keep your mind off the pain. Think about the feeling, the smell, the taste (if applicable) and the sounds of this object or place. Focus on what it looks like. Use all your senses to "innerly describe" your focus point, while distracting yourself from the pain.
  4. Think about what you care about most. Something you would be willing to suffer excruciating pain and death for. Focus on that, imagine it, and Visualize it. Do this for about 10 minutes or until you feel you are ready.
  5. Use your source of pain slowly. Start off lightly and recognize the sensation of pain. Now imagine yourself in a room. A special place where no one or nothing that you don't want can get in. Imagine that the thing or person you care about is in the room with you. Focus on that thing/person and recognize the pain, but don't give into it. Feel it like you were not in you own body. Put your mind and body in separate places.
  6. Another way that works in conjunction with this is by channeling your energy. It sounds like hocus-pocus, but it is not. The technique I use is a combination of that of the kung fu traditions and that of the more modern JudoKai. All of this has greatly helped by being in a martial art. To begin, you should meditate. Visualize your body as a translucent 3D figure. You can visualize your energy. I use thousands of white dots to represent my energy or ki. Now visualize a strength. It isn't contained in your translucent figure but it flows through you. Now take your energy and focus it on the spot of your pain and force the strength to the same spot. Visualize as well as actually forcing the ki and strength to that spot. Imagine even another force that forms a protective bubble around that spot. Nothing can go through it.
  7. Practice each of these techniques separately for several times until you feel you can use them together. These both are highly personal techniques and you should hone them constantly.


  • This takes time. Go slowly. You should be completely comfortable with meditation before you use the pain.
  • Find someone who can mentor you in meditation.
  • Join a martial art.


  • If you enjoy the pain, stop immediately and get help. This could be an indication of a serious psychological condition.
  • Make sure that your wound isn't anything too serious. If it is bleeding continuously go and see a doctor to prevent blood loss.
  • Be near a phone in case something goes horribly wrong.
  • Never purposely hurt yourself to try this technique.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Handle Excruciating Pain. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

life is so short

Life is so short
We need to spend our time line wisely,
We need to share it to many,
We need to live it to the fullest,
We need to enjoy the best of it,
We need to know the purpose of living it.

We can only do that when we know where it came from.
Our privilege to live is given by the Great Creator God
for His pleasure and honor. The only way to enjoy your life
to the fullest is to fulfill the purpose of God in your life.

Do not waste your life in the world. Love not the world.

Live it for God and with God.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Help Your Child Overcome Fears - wikiHow

Help Your Child Overcome Fears - wikiHow

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Help Your Child Overcome Fears. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, July 6, 2009

How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

There's no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone; in fact, over time you might feel crowded out by boredom and fear. Perhaps it's time to stretch those limits a little, eh?


  1. Make a fool of yourself. One of the biggest things that holds many of us back is our fear of what people think. After all, you don't want people to think you're weird or rude or creepy or obnoxious or annoying, do you? But wait -- think about the most lovable, magnetic people you've come across in your life. Odds are, they weren't the meek, agreeable people who are reliably pleasant to be around. They were the people who were crazy and charming. People who blurted out silly, maybe inappropriate things, or who made huge, slap-your-forehead mistakes, or who were over the top most of the time, but others forgave them for being less than perfect and in fact, liked them for it. So shatter your concern for what people think of you. You're allowed to be less than perfect, and you may find that people like you more for it, because it makes you a more exciting person to be around. Get laughed at, laugh with 'em. Do something you normally wouldn't do for fear of looking like an idiot. Be that idiot. You'll be fine.
  2. Face your fears. There are the big fears, such as heights, spiders, tight spaces, and germs, but there are also hundreds of subtle fears we bow to every day. Like the fear of breaking a bone, or falling down, or getting caught in the rain. What are the precautions you take every day to circumvent "negative" circumstances? And are those circumstances really worth stepping around? Those steps add up! It's good to be proactive, but it's bad to let a significant portion of your life be devoted to averting things that never happen--Little things that could turn into adventures or funny stories if you allow yourself to deal with a little discomfort.
  3. Become comfortable with taking risks. Your comfort zone is comfortable because it's where you know what to expect. Going out on a limb can be scary because you might fail. You might lose something. But you might also gain something, huh? In order to become comfortable with that uncertainty, you'll need to practice the following:
    • Non-attachment. When you decide to do something, do it for its own sake, not so that you can get a particular result. If you gamble, gamble with money you're ready and willing to lose; gamble for the fun and exhilaration of gambling. If you win, that's icing on the cake! But if you lose, no big deal. In other words, let go of your attachment to a certain outcome; instead, focus on the joy of doing whatever you're doing. Live in the moment.
    • Acceptance. When things don't go your way, and they won't, shrug it off. If you're clinging to your comfort zone, you're hanging on to an idea that the world is supposed to be a safe, predictable place, and that's an illusion. You're setting yourself up for frustration and disappointment. Open your eyes. The world is a dynamic place where things go right and wrong. That's just the way it is!

  4. Enjoy the unknown. When's the last time you felt excited about not knowing what was going to happen next? If you're deep in your comfort zone, it's probably been a while. Don't you miss it? Don't you miss the mixture of anticipation and anxiety that makes your heart flutter and stomach turn at the same time? Bring that feeling back into your life.


  • Find or date someone as crazy as you are. When you discover that person who brings out the adventurous side from within you, it will help to encourage your development tremendously. These people can be easy to spot and will be found, for example, five miles away from home after packing up only a camera, tent, and food, to go camping in the woods. Spontaneity is a great contrast to someone like yourself who may not be comfortable or familiar with stepping out of your comfort zone often.


  • Don't confuse stepping out of your comfort zone with being reckless and stupid. There's a difference between being reckless and accepting risks. Reckless people don't accept risks-they don't even think about them. You should know the risks, and decide to go through with the decision anyway, ready and willing to accept the consequences if things don't work out.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The power of Listening

God is giving us a long journey
so that we can't have choice but to listen.

Most of us despise listening
to the cries of other people,
It is stressful to listen but
we may have a very significant
learning when we listen that will
save us from suffering and pain.

Sometimes its boring to listen
some seemingly hopeless situations
but at the end of the day. You will
realize that your listening will lead you to
hope and dream a better life different from
what you have absorbed and learned
in your attentive listening.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bringing out the best in YOU

The best in you will

only come out when you

know your true identity.

If you know that you are

a robot you will act like a robot.

If you know that you are

a dog you will bark and wag your tail.

If you know that you are

from the Great Creator God,

the Good Father in Heaven,

and you know that God has

no plan of evil to His children,

but only the best to enjoy by His people.

You will act like the Good Father in Heaven,

you will not devise evil to yourself and to others,

you will be at your best and creative to invent,

you will make others happy because everything

that comes from your good heart is out of love,

because love is from God, and that is the Spirit of God.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The way to find a Friend...

The way to find a friend
is to become a friend
to the unfriendly.

The way to find a friend
is to become sensitive
to the needs of others.

The way to find a friend
is to wear a smile everyday
so others will smile in return.

The way to find a friend
is to give a small token of love
so you will be remembered
and not the gift.

Start looking for a friend
and you will find one in the
person of the Son of God -Jesus
The Loyal and Best Friend.


Emptiness is a feeling of lost
somewhere and you do not know
where to pick up your broken pieces.

Emptiness is having plenty
but not having everything.

Emptiness is the dead end of
selfish ambition and greed.

Emptiness is the result
of living without a purpose.

The way out to emptiness is fill in
your heart with the Spirit of Christ.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The time to take your time

Take time to walk
maybe in your slow steps
you can see a guide
in every cross road.

Take time to sleep
maybe in your dreams
you can see a bright future.

Take time to watch events
maybe in your observation
you can see the beauty of life.

Take time to work
Maybe in your daily routine
your promotion is just
around the corner.

Take time to pray
Maybe in your waiting
you may receive more
than what you have asked.

Take time to live
Maybe in living one
day at a time, is the
best moment to live.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Sinful lusts
The love of money
Over Envy
Revengeful heart
Meaningless pride

Do not put cancer to your body
avoid storm!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Deadly virus

H1n1 or swine flue is dangerous
but it is more dangerous not to
prevent the spread of fabricated
stories or lies in the showbiz and
politics-the "virus"that destroys
the integrity of the
leaders in the business and
in the government.

Ironically, it is the same "virus"
that damaging the entire Philippine
showbiz and the government.
I hope that the so called "powerful
people" behind the showbiz and politics
will finally realize that their staying
power will not last long, and their manipulating
influences will fade soonest.

Shame on you , who thought that you
can continually fool the Filipino people.
The spirit and the braveness of Rizal still live
in the youth. Arise young Rizals and
transform the Filipino people.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear readers, I reviewed the previous postings and found out that there are some ads that are not related with my blogs. This blog has not something to do with astrology, voodoo practices, fungshui and other eastern practices. My goal for this blog is to promote the Christian faith, biblical perspectives about life and guidelines to our daily journey. If ever you see ads about the said views, I am not promoting them and requested the adsense to remove them in my blogs. Thank you. Rodriggs

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Untamed tongue

Untamed tongue is
connected from a
malicious heart of a fool.

The most talkative in
town is noted as simple minded
and tale bearer.

But the words of the wise
are few but sensible
and witty.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Peace is calmness of the heart
in the midst of troubled world.

Peace is a product of hope
x faith x love to God.

Peace is the result of walking
with the Prince of Peace.

Peace is the absence of fear
in your heart, replaced by
the Spirit of God.

Anger, bitterness, stripes
and unforgiving hearts are
hindrances to obtain peace.
In fact, eliminating them
is the real issue of world peace.

Give Peace a chance,
Believe JESUS -the Prince of Peace.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


A man with a grateful heart
will always have a bright future,
because in his present success
he knows how to value the
people from the past which
God assigned along his way

Friday, May 22, 2009


To correct your mistakes
is a brave thing to do,
but to continue the steps
of change is even more
admirable braveness
to pursue.

Transformation is a daily
challenge only the brave
can understand.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prayer of the righteous

History of a nation is shape
by the righteous and
the godly in their prayers.

A nation without the people of God
is a nation without significant History

God is the God of All nations
Let HIS STORY be written
in the pages of our nation's history

Monday, May 18, 2009


A simple act of kindness
may create a small difference
but if you do it everyday
you may create a mountain of love
everybody loves to see.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Philosophy of the WISE Leader

Wisdom and Truth are above Wealth.
Integrity is more important than million promises.
Success must be shared to many.
Education is a priority to build a strong nation.

Support his WISE philosophy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The best way...

The best way to eliminate depression
is to forget the past failures.
Press on, embrace the present challenges
and worry not the possibilities in the future.

Depression is not just killing yourself slowly
but also hindering your soul to trust the Almighty.
The worst of it, it is an act of denial
that God is the Father that cares and provides.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Most Honorable leadership

Leadership with humility
is the most difficult to display,
but this is the most honorable
leadership... like the leadership
of Jesus Christ

Saturday, May 9, 2009

6 Great Friends in the World and 1 greatest

Dogs... Ask the dog lovers, they will tell you why.
Dolphins... Ask the fishermen who have been lost in the sea and found the way home.
Diary... Ask those who write and keep their secrets.
Parents... Ask those prodical kids how they restore themselves from destruction.
Woman... Ask the man who loves her so much.
Teachers... Ask the students how they got their high grades.

The greastest of them all is...

God... Ask the christians who experience Christ's love daily.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Best Encourager

The Best Athletes are former losers.
Likewise, The Best encourager are those
who have been encouraged.